Dayak Literacy International Congress 2023

Now, in preparation. The Steering Committee and Organizing Committee team — namely ICDN Malinau — prepared the

Dayak Literacy International Congress 2023.

As planned, the Congress was held in Pulau Sapi Tourism Village, Malinau District.

Day of the Congress: 03-03-2023.

As can be seen in the illustration of this narrative, 6 members of Steering Committee members held a zoom meeting.

They are: Dr. Yansen TP, Helmi Pudaliskar, Gat Khaleb, Masri Sareb, Tyrusel, and Matthew Mardani. Still in the draft, here are the results of last night’s air-brief meeting (16/11-2022).

Series of agendas for the First Dayak Literacy Congress:

  1. Seminar “Dayak Literacy Movement from Time to Time: From Batu Yupa (5th Century AD) to Batu Ruyud 2022.”
  2. Literacy Exhibition: Work by Dayak Literacy members.
  3. Home stay with residents of Pulau Sapi Tourism Village (Dewi Pulsa).
  4. Training for residents of Pulau Sapi and its surroundings “Literacy Literacy” namely the transfer of skills in writing travel essays, art and culture essays, writing Folklore, citizen journalism, and books with Dayak ethnic nuances.
  5. Exhibition / exhibition of Dayak cultural arts.
  6. Dayak Culinary Exhibition/title.
  7. Selection, as well as inauguration, of the permanent board of the Dayak Literacy Community.

This was followed by the inauguration of the Dayak Literacy Monument and the submission of books by Dayak authors to Dr. Yansen TP, as administrator of the Dayak Literacy Center at Rehobot Bang Abak, Malinau –as the locus of the Dayak literacy center and library.

Dayak Literacy Declaration Text.

It is envisioned that anyone who will research (thesis, thesis, doctoral dissertation) on Dayak topics, the locus of the First Dayak Literacy Congress is a relatively complete center of study and information.


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Masri Sareb Putra
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