Land Ownership Conflicts in Kalimantan | The Case of Mukok, Sanggau

Save Our Soul (SOS). Why?

Kalimantan’s customary forest is in danger of being lost and annexed from its original inheritance by outsiders.

The results of the Study on the Costs of Land and Natural Resource Conflicts from a Community Perspective conducted by Zakaria, Pradiptyo, Iswari & Wibisana in 2017, by taking one of the research locations in Mukok (Sanggau), West Kalimantan.

The result shows that the presence of oil palm plantation companies creates very intense conflicts with the community, the loss of most of the functions of the forest and the occurrence of drastic changes in the types of consumption commodities at the household level.

As a result of the impact of the loss of most of the forest’s functions, 41.65% of the value of commodities that could previously be extracted from the forest, they now have to buy.

Customary territories are inhabited by indigenous peoples from generation to generation. Dr. Masiun, Rector of Institut Teknologi Keling Kumang (ITKK), Sekadau in his dissertation about forest valuation, stated that for indigenous peoples in Kalimantan, customary territories were obtained in several ways.

Conflicts over land ownership between the State –private entrepreneurs and local residents in Kalimantan, especially West Kalimantan, have become a recent incident that has surfaced.

Since thousands of years ago, people have inherited their land, but often they do not know its purpose. Some of their inherited land has been annexed to make way for oil palm plantations, natural resource mining location and other businesses without their knowledge.

This event often occurs in Kalimantan.

1. Kalimantan’s customary forest.
2. Dr. Masiun (left) and me, the writer).

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Masri Sareb Putra
Articles: 730

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