William Chang: The Modest Professor who Applies the “Ilmu Padi”

William Chang. Just mention that name. Do the people of West Kalimantan generally know who he is?

The focus of this narrative is a publication derived from the doctoral dissertation of William Chang at the Pontifical University in Rome, titled The Dignity of the Person in Pancasila and the Church’s Social Doctrine: An Ethical Comparative Study.

The dissertation’s conversion

The dissertation’s conversion into a publication was carried out by The Cleretian Publications in Manila, Philippines, in 1997, spanning a total of 394 pages.

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The novelty of this work lies in the profound comparison between the values and philosophy of Pancasila and the Catholic Church’s Social Doctrine.

The high-level abstraction and comparative abilities demonstrated in this study contribute significantly to both Indonesia and the Indonesian Church. Particularly noteworthy is the comprehensive list of books related to Pancasila at the end of the volume, ranging from the period of independence to the time of this research.

Academic endeavors of this nature involve meticulous methodological processes, reflecting the author’s dedication to an organic approach in academic work.

Relied on literature and careful reading

During that era, researchers relied on literature and careful reading as opposed to the current era, where access to data and information is readily available through Google and other open sources, along with the use of artificial intelligence.

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Appreciation is due to the researchers of the past who undertook significant efforts in their academic work without the support of modern tools and technology. Their natural intellectual abilities are truly reflected in their endeavors.

As of now, William Chang holds the position of a Professor of Moral Philosophy, residing in Pontianak and teaching at a prestigious local university. His academic journey from writing a dissertation to becoming a professor is a tangible testament to his dedication to research and education.

In his practical life, the professor not only teaches intellectual values but also lives and embodies these values in his daily actions. His simplicity and humility radiate inspiration to others, proving that academic success and material possessions are not the ultimate goals in life.

William Chang is known for his meticulous methodological approach, illustrating the author’s commitment to organic academic work. During that period, researchers depended on the sources mentioned in literature and engaged in careful reading.

William Chang has contributed numerous scholarly articles

A prolific writer, William Chang has contributed numerous scholarly articles, most frequently published in the Kompas daily. These articles have been compiled into a book titled “Moral Nexus,” organized by topic.

The uniqueness of the book is reflected in its impressive bibliography, covering nearly a thousand reference sources. This serves as concrete evidence of the depth of the author’s research, indicating a profound involvement and commitment to understanding the subject matter.

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The Bibliography, spanning 53 pages (pages 341-394), implies the author’s extensive efforts in gathering information, reinforcing the content’s reliability, and providing a strong foundation for the statements made in the book.

Despite achieving remarkable academic milestones and earning respect as a moral philosopher, Professor William Chang remains true to his modest nature. He leads a simple and sincere lifestyle, prioritizing fundamental life values over material interests.

The humble professor 

In his daily appearance, William Chang is known for dressing appropriately and never extravagantly. He is not obsessed with fashion trends or luxury items. Despite the possibility of owning various modern gadgets, he chooses to use a mobile phone that is not the latest model, demonstrating his commitment to a simple, humble life, prioritizing the dignity of humanity above all else.

The humble professor, applying the ‘rice knowledge,’ becomes more enriched and increasingly humble.

His humble nature is inspired by the example of St. Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Capuchin Order, whose life Chang contemplates. Like St. Francis, Chang also binds himself to principles of obedience and purity, taking inspiration from the simplicity embraced by the Franciscan brothers.

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In his practical life, the professor not only teaches intellectual values but also lives and embodies these values in his daily actions. His simplicity and humility radiate inspiration to others, proving that academic success and material possessions are not the ultimate goals in life.

Jitmen, close friends greet him, a real example of how one can achieve academic success while holding onto spiritual and humble values.

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Masri Sareb Putra
Articles: 730

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