Dayak in East Kalimantan at a Glance

The term “Dajak” is found in the monograph of the controller of Banjarmasin, Hogendorf in 1757. In his report to the State of the Dutch East Indies. As an equivalent of “binnenlander”, namely the original inhabitants, not from outside, the island of Borneo which during the Hindu-Indian period of influence was called Varuna-dvipa. Dayak ethnicity is unique in the world. As many heads (researchers), that much is the result of the classification. There are those who classify Dayak from the similarity of language, customs, and culture. Some are from the distribution and place of residence. There are also those from a linguistic similarity perspective — such as Prof.’s research. Collins. Many researchers, but a handful are referred to. Babon’s masterpiece is Duman’s, in addition to his controleur Mallinckrodt’s. Then in 1894, Dr. Nieuwenhuis undertook the Kapuas-Mahakam expedition. The botanologist actually researched, but managed to make a map of the distribution of the Dayaks at that time. That is the first map of the Dayak classification. Furthermore, other researchers refer to, or mix the results of the research of these predecessors. Duman which is widely embraced, among others by Ukur (1971), Riwut in Kalimantan Pembangunan, Prof. Anyang in his dissertation, Lontaan (1975). It is known that Dayak consists of 7 stamenras (large families) and 405 sub-tribes. Including myself slightly referring to Duman, but adding: That only the Bidayuh, consists of dozens of sub-ethnicities. And only Jangkang, there are 12 sub-ethnic groups, 48,000 speakers, living in Jangkang sub-district, Kab. Sanggau, West Kalimantan. West Kalimantan has a lot of research on the Dayak ethnicity. Updating previous research. In 2008, the Dayakology Institute researched in West Kalimantan alone, there were 151 Dayak sub-tribes. East Kalimantan? Presumably, need to follow West Kalimantan in terms of research and publications. I was contacted by an intellectual from East Kalimantan, Dr. Moses Komala Avan. I was asked to research the Dayak ethnicity in East Kalimantan. However, it feels abstruse. I want to focus only on mastering and exploring the 3 stammenras of the Dayak, namely: Bidayuh, Iban, and Lundayeh Idi Lunbawang. In the past, Sellato had researched. However, the results of his research were brought to France. Therefore, I proclaim: Dayak writes from within! What Dayak are in East Kalimantan and what is the language? 1. Benuaq
2. Kayan
3. Bahau
3. Kenyah
4. Punan
5. Aoheng/ Penihing
6. Murut (Lundayeh. 

It is suspected that the Dayak ethnic group has long inhabited the current area of ​​East Kalimantan. And quite dominant. What is unique, the language is the same as the name of the tribe. Regarding why Murut morphed into Lundayeh Idi Lun Bawang, there is a story of its own. One study. One book. Dozens of scientific articles have been published on the answer “Why did Murut morph into Lundayeh Idi Lun Bawang”? which actually became Lio’s domain, Dr. Yansen, Tyrusel, and the scholars of Lundayeh.

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Masri Sareb Putra
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