Gibran is Moving Forward, while Jokowi is Moving Backward

Jokowi is currently weaving a political dynasty by playing the politics of dynasties.

In reality, there’s nothing wrong with the chessboard that Uncle is playing on. What’s wrong is the audience, those who don’t understand the direction of the moves. Especially the moves of the knights, rooks, and kings that Jokowi is making.

Prabowo-Gibran phenomenon

Prabowo-Gibran as presidential and vice-presidential candidates for 2024-2029 in the current political arena are certainly a surprise that can influence the dynamics of politics in the Pancasila nation.

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When this combination of old and young pairs emerged, various perspectives were raised, simultaneously sparking diverse responses from the public and political analysts.

Political strategy often involves surprises, tactics, and strategies designed to win elections or achieve specific political goals.

This is what appeared strong in the declaration of Prabowo-Gibran. It reminds us of Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese military philosopher known for his work “The Art of War,” which has been widely quoted and applied in various aspects, including politics.

It’s important to remember that in politics, the strategies and tactics used can vary significantly, depending on factors like public support, understanding of political issues, and the social and economic context at the time.

Political surprises can be an effective tool if used cleverly, but they can also create uncertainty among voters.

The public and political analysts often have various reactions to changes in political dynamics, including surprises like the Prabowo-Gibran pair.

What’s crucial in a democracy is how the election process and campaign unfold, and how the final decisions are made by the voters. In a democracy, voters have the right to choose the candidates they believe will represent their interests effectively.

Political dynasties can provide stability and continuity

Political dynasties and nepotism can vary and are not always negative. In many cases, it depends on how these practices are managed and their impact on governance and society.

read Vox Populi Vox Dei

In some countries, political dynasties can provide stability and continuity. When family members involved in politics have a good track record and competence, this can be seen as a positive aspect.

For example, political dynasties in the United States and Korea are considered best practices.

The United States has a long history of political dynasties, such as the Kennedy, Bush, and Clinton families. Some of these family members have reached the highest political positions in the country. However, many of these family members also have an adequate track record in public service, so their elections can be seen as based on their achievements.

South Korea also has several political families dominating the political stage. For example, the Park and Roh families have held the presidency.

It’s possible, like the national teams of Brazil and Argentina. They compete, enter the arena with two equally strong teams. Uncle is playing with two teams. In his calculations, there might be two rounds. In the second round, no one loses. They both win. They share the prize!

In some cases, they may have strong voter support because they are seen as inheriting respected political traditions or having competent leadership.

However, it’s important to remember that political dynasties and nepotism can be negative if these practices lead to injustice, corruption, or power monopolies.

It’s also important for the public and oversight institutions to ensure that the political system remains transparent, fair, and democratic. Practices that limit fair access for everyone, regardless of family connections, can damage the integrity of the political system.

In any political context, it’s essential to consider the advantages and disadvantages of political dynasties and nepotism and whether they genuinely reflect the interests of the people and justice.

Practical politicians should be ready for the rapid and unpredictable dynamics of politics like this. No need to be surprised. No need to be disappointed. Let alone be in anguish. Enjoy it as a game, and you will find relief.

No need to say, “Inconsistent. There’s no unity between words and actions. This is not about morality but politics!”

What is politics? Harold Dwight Lasswell was a prominent political scientist and communication expert who made various contributions to the field of political science.

When the game is over, Uncle shares the prize. The prize is in the form of understanding, cooperation, and strong relationships. Like a master, the game designer of August 17th gives away prizes to the people who climb the areca nut tree. Uncle is a national political maestro at the moment, turning the stage of the people’s festivities into the art of speech and action.

One of his fundamental views on politics is what is known as the “Function-Definition of Politics” or Politics According to Lasswell:

The questions and answers of “Who Gets What, When, How” were explained by Lasswell in his famous book published in 1936 titled Politics: Who Gets What, When, How.

Lasswell’s political view highlights several key concepts:

  1. Who : This question refers to the political actors or groups involved in the political process. It includes the government, political parties, interest groups, and individuals who have a role in political decision-making.
  2. Gets What : This refers to the allocation of resources and power in society. Politics is a way to determine who gets access to resources and social benefits. This includes decisions about budgets, policies, and wealth distribution.
  3. When : This is related to the timing and sequence of political events. When decisions are made, when policies are implemented, and when political changes occur are essential parts of political analysis.
  4. How : This focuses on the methods and processes used in politics. How decisions are made, how political influence is wielded, and how conflicts are resolved are important questions. In Lasswell’s view, politics is about the distribution of power and resources in society. He sees politics as a process involving communication, negotiation, and decision-making.

Lasswell’s definition has become a useful framework for analyzing various political aspects in the broader social, economic, and political context.

In the Postgraduate Communication Program, in the Political Communication course, students are taught the “intelligence” of communication. Apparently, communication-politics alignment is at the heart of Jokowi’s strategy.

Pak De (The Javanese word, usually, to refer to Jokowi other than ‘Pak Lurah’) or Uncle is Playing with Two Teams Of course, Uncle is an expert in the art of communication. Like a maestro, he masterfully understands the intricacies of communication. Like playing in an orchestra, he knows when to play the right melody. When to whisper wise words, and how to use the right moment to build connections.

Moreover, he has a keen sense of when to laugh. Laughter is not just an expression of happiness but also a powerful tool in communication. Genuine laughter can relieve tension, build bonds with others, and make conversations come alive.

Uncle, a wise man, waits patiently for the right timing.

“Uncle” knows that communication is not just about talking but also about listening and understanding. Like a soccer player waiting for the right moment to score a goal or a chess player looking for opportunities to checkmate, Uncle seeks the most effective moments to convey his message.

He is like the national teams of Brazil and Argentina competing on the same field. Two teams that are equally good, understand each other, and play in harmony. In his communication game, Uncle is playing with two different teams, with careful planning.

In his calculations, Uncle considers that there might be two rounds in his game.

But what’s interesting is that in the second round, no one loses. They both win because good communication is a victory for everyone involved.

When the game is over, Uncle shares the prize. The prize is in the form of understanding, cooperation, and strong relationships.

Like a master, the game designer of August 17th gives away prizes to the people who climb the areca nut tree. Uncle is a national political maestro at the moment, turning the stage of the people’s festivities into the art of speech and action.

Every citizen has the right to be chosen and to choose equally. Being chosen is an opportunity as well as a rare challenge that not every citizen has the capital and the boat for. However, choosing is the right of citizens that makes a president and vice-president in the era of direct elections like today.

The game hasn’t started yet. We’re only at the stage of announcing the players. We haven’t entered the registration stage with the organizing committee. But the scent of festivity and the commotion is starting to be felt. *)

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